Blog Archive

You are viewing the monthly archives for: March 2012

Menine´s activities in Febr

February 12  International Dogshow in Fredricia and ch Menine´s Krystal of Illussion got ReservCaCib February 19 was the Papillon Show in Denmark ch Menine´s Lady Stardust won clubcac ch Menine´s Krystal of Illusion won clubcac and BOB and BIS-2 ch Dolce Vita JP Major League won his last clubcac and became clubchampion.  I am superhappy…

What happened in January 2012

It was an International Dog show in Gothenburg the 7th Jan.   Ch Menine´s Krystal  of Illusion got CACIB and BOS First love at Menine´s was excellent 3 in youth clas Jan 8th Gothenburg International Dog Show Ch Menine´s Krystal of Illusion got Recerv CACIB Jan 11  My female Menine´s Just a Miracle got her…